The Tear Down

It’s not every day that a prospective client comes to you and says: “I want to tear down my house, build a much bigger one and sell it.” This project is the result of such a conversation. Built as a speculative venture, it was a custom project for Auburn Landing. Working closely with the owner, architect, designers and real estate broker, we were able to build a 13,000 sq. foot house that sold very quickly for more than the asking price. Along the way, value engineering decisions were constantly proposed and evaluated. For example, a ten-foot foundation height allowed for all of the first floor mechanicals as well as the ability to finish the basement with a full ceiling at a later date. Taking advantage of the existing landscape and topography allowed us to build a home that immediately looked as if it had always sat on the property. It was a project that was very satisfying to the architect, client, contractor and new owner.